After much delay, A Knight’s Loyalty, Book 3 of The Last Elf Series, is now available.

Yes, this book was a bear to produce.

Originally planned at 78 chapters with more than 110k words, it underwent multiple changes to plot points, characterizations, structure, and pacing. These changes (many suggested by my contributing editor, a few instigated by me) reduced the length to 65 chapters with ~98k words. Much of the removed storyline will appear in Book 4, tentatively entitled The White Lily (more on that in another post).

I must also confess that during the rewrites of A Knight’s Loyalty I undertook three other projects – editing the work of a first-time novelist, drafting a series of short stories which will appear as companion pieces to The Last Elf Series, and working on my stand-alone horror novel. Though these projects inordinately delayed the completion of A Knight’ Loyalty, they also taught me much about my own writing and will influence future work. (Again, I’ll provide more information about all three of these projects in future posts).

Of course, none of this provides a satisfactory excuse for the delays in bringing A Knight’s Loyalty to publication.

I sincerely apologize to the readers who expected this work to appear in the spring of this year.

Without further delay, you can find the third part of Chork’s story here.