— Available mid 2022 —

The prophesied Gathering of the Last Born has failed. As the magical world of Brehm devolves into chaos and war, deep bonds of friendship and commitment are cast aside for the pursuit of individual dreams.

Accepted by the legendary Sir Gunter Taafe, Chork, The Last-Born Elf, begins formal training for knighthood as a lowly kitchen scullion – his goal – induction into the Order of the Knights of the White Lily. Will he endure the arduous preparation to survive the 10 Tests of Testament and be knighted?

With his new-found friend Thief-Catcher Elmasri at his side, Elvenhawk returns to the desolation of Ailinmar to retrieve the evil weapon that called to him in the now-fallen Istalindir. Will they avoid the plague of undeath and recover the Screaming Demon Bow?

Billy and Pox continue their quest to uncover the entirety of Rafke’s Last-Born Prophecy, hoping the lost stanzas will provide a solution to the elven race’s plight.

Prince Ellessar and his remaining Blue Leafs are called by the Elven King to abandon their belief in Rafke’s Prophecy and join with their ancient race to battle a monstrous horde of orcs and bugbears descending on the Elven Forest.

The Dragons’ Jewelry, the fourth book in The Last Elf Series, continues the coming-of-age tale of Chork, the last elf born in the fantasy world of Brehm – a land of magic and ancient and young races becoming aware of the schemes of an evil sorcerer bent on “dominion over every drop of water, every speck of dust, every seed, and every life.”